What to Expect

Trying a church can be frightening to say the least.  We hope the information below will help you.  

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us.

What Happens in Church

Our service consists of about 15 minutes of congregational singing, readings from scripture, and prayers.  Then someone will share a reflection from one of the readings from the Bible. Our service ends with communion, which consists of a little bread and juice to commemorate and celebrate Jesus' last supper with his disciples. This helps us grasp more fully the hospitality of God, who makes room for us at his table.  

At first, this might all seem strange. That's okay. We will do our best to answer any questions you have.  We want you to experience God at your own pace.  Join us, learn, and ask as many questions as you have.  You will not put on the spot.  

What About Children

All children are welcome in our service.  However, we have a nursery for children ages 1-4; it is optional. Also, we have a family room where you can watch the service if your little ones become restless. 

How Should I Dress?

Come casual--dresses, slacks, jeans, and shorts.  In other words, we're flexible.