- We believe in one Creator, God, who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit.
- We believe that Jesus, God's son in human form, is the fullest revelation of the Creator.
- We believe that the Bible is inspired by God for all truths necessary to faith and Christian living.
- We believe that all people have sinned and must rely on God's grace and forgiveness which is abundantly available through Jesus' work on the cross.
- We believe that God draws us to himself, but the decision to respond through repentance is ours.
- We believe that Christians must continue to grow in the grace and truth of Jesus, seeking God's help to be free from sinful habits while allowing God's Spirit to mold us into Christlikeness.
- We believe that the church, a local body of believers, is the Body of Christ, carrying on his purposes for the world.
- We believe God can bring healing.
- We believe in God's desire to reclaim his creation through Jesus.
- We believe that God works through the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
What We Believe